Dear Sirs,

Our Gallery own as Private Collection about 600 paintings by famous Russian artists of Saint-Petersburg, all of which are currently located in Europe. Saint-Petersburg School is one of the most sifnificant schools of Russian painting.

Works of the above artists have been successfully selling in Europe and America. The names of the artists are cited in the World Reference Books and in the Artnet Databank.

Nine of presented in collections artists are presented in permanent collection in The State Russian Museum, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. With the official sertificate of The State Russian Museum you can get to know here.

The collection as follow:

Part 1   
The 1970s Avant-garde
The works of these artists are part of the collection of the State Russian Museum in Saint-Petersburg, State Tretjakov Gallery in Moscow, other Museums and significant private collecions such as Hummer Collections, Henry Nannen Foundation etc.

We hope that some of my paintings, exibited on this www-page will attract your attention.
Best Regards, Forster Art Gallery

Avant-garde category:
Abramyan Viktor
Bekaryan Dsovinar
Bogomolov Gleb
Dyshlenko Yuri
Gavriltchik Vladlen
Gurov Juri
Kirjanov Alexei
Kolomenkov Alexander
Kostenko Lyubov
Kuznetsov Viktor (Gipper Pupper)
Lotsman Alexander
Mikhailov Vyacheslav
Plotnikova Natalia
Pobogenski Wjatcheslav
Prinzev Alexei
Semjonov Alexander
Sergeev Leonid
Shirikova Tatiana
Siomash Juri
Sorokin Gennadi
Svetlanov Maxim
Zverev Nikolai



Forster Art Gallery, All rights reserved 2004

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